“I’ve seen great loss, my life torn asunder and beautifully rebuilt.” What a beautifully-written line, one that expresses resiliency and hope.

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MK, followed you for years when you were on FOX, always loved your writing, mourned when you lost your first husband, rejoiced when you found your new husband! I’m a big fan, even though our politics aren’t the same. I don’t care, I always enjoyed listening to your well-thought-out answers on FOX. I admired you because you are so smart and you were not afraid to go up against people twice your age!

I love strong women!

One day I was getting a massage and I found out my therapist was your sister-in-law, Chelsea. What a pleasant surprise! Best masseuse I ever had, and so smart too! I learned so much from her! I was sad when she moved out of the St.Louis area. I told her I was a big fan of yours! Wishing you the best!

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I like this article. No self-pity, no whining. Clearly, it is written by a fighter.

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I stan MK Hamm… 4eva.

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What is mentally wrong with Zucker et.al. that he/they would sacrifice all decency on behalf of the likes of a moral outlier such as Toobin?

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As a lawyer, Toobin was the internal expert every time yet another CNN personality/producer/etc. did something sleazy that put them at risk. That means he knows things. If they had fired him, they would have not only lost their free law advice, but they would have put their dirty laundry at risk of exposure. Just wait -- now that he's gone, Toobin's gonna be talkin'...

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With apologies for going off topic - what is this about working on 4? If there was an announcement, I missed it.

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Yes and here is Mary Kate spending her weekend liking comments on her substack....she's gotta get her affirmation somewhere...her poor children!

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Well done. What an excellent example you are to your daughters.

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(Honest question.). Were you a victim of a boys' club at CNN or a LIBERAL club? I mean, if you were super woke and/or part of a victim group, would you have been treated this way? COULD you have been treated this way? Another scenario - if Toobin was a conservative, would Zucker have muted criticism of him?

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Every word in this was brilliant. It's horrifying that Jeffrey Toobin could publicly perform the act he did and instead of being sent back to the hole he crawled out of, he's exonerated, and you, speak the truth, and get slapped down. Echoing Megyn Kelly, “There is not a woman alive who could have done anything close to what Jeffrey Toobin did (not that one would) and kept her job. What a disgusting, incestuous boys’ club. So damned tired of it.”

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I used to watch Toobin go up against Dershowitz on CNN and be shocked at how dumb Toobin was. Toobin ignored the laws in place that are supposed to rule and instead wined about what he wanted! Jeff Zucker felt compelled to quietly suspend Dershowitz too!

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MKH: Your intelligence and wit is what made me subscribe to this newsletter to begin with. Good for you. Tell CNN to shove it. There are plenty of other places that would be glad to have you with no resitrictions. That the Toobin supporters had the balls, (pun completely intended) to suspend you and not even inform you speaks loudly.

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Beautifully written. Stopped watching you a couple of years after you moved to CNN, the Crap Not News network. Watching cnn is an insult to your intelligence….being spoon fed pablum…flat out lies and demonstrable bs on a daily basis. No thanks. You bought into it and were complicit. Russia! Mueller! Trump is a Russian agent! I haven’t forgotten. You bought the bs and didn’t have the guts to push back. If you’re old enough to sit at the table, you’re old enough to eat.

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You’re welcome to criticize me from another angle, but this one isn’t true. I would have gotten more opportunities and success if I had just agreed with everyone on set, but they were wrong about the Russia story.

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So you are just going to ignore Manafort giving Russia campaign data just like you ignore Herschel Walker??? Do you get more opportunities and success by agreeing with all your pals at the Federalist cuz it sure seems you never have a disagreement with them or call them out on all the garbage they print?? Why would that be? Seems you never have a disagreement with Guy Benson as you two retweet each other constantly, trying to promote each other. Why you think you are better than people like Jeffrey Toobin is beyond ridiculous...look in the mirror...you are just as big of a hypocrite...you are just not as well known!

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You ignore:

1) Raphael Warnock - serial domestic abuser,

2) Hunter Biden - tax cheat and influence peddler, and

3) Joe Biden - influence peddler and current dementia patient.

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Ummm I'm not on TV or twitter spouting my opinions so I'm not ignoring anything but please go on...

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Yet, you’re on this page vomiting ignorance and bile with every post.

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It's called criticism honey, Mary Kate can sure dish it out, are you saying she is such a fragile snowflake she can't take it and you need to be her big bad savior? There's nothing ignorant or bile in my post, just the hard truth, which you and Mary Kate can suck!

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All of this!! Mary Kate LOVES to act all self righteous. Girl please! She would NEVER offer a contrarian view point on The Federalist or point out anything Guy Benson was wrong on, which is plenty! She clearly has limits to her opinions when it comes to other media outlets like the Federalist so she can have a seat when it comes to her virtue signaling with regards to Toobin or CNN!

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What contrary opinion is there to a person masturbating on a video meeting? I am to assume that's okay? I mean, I get there are OnlyFans pages where people pay other people to perform the act on camera for their enjoyment, but I highly doubt anyone really wanted to see that on a work video.

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of course Mary Kate won't respond to any of THIS criticism, or if she does, she will just say something snarky like "NAILED IT"....she's so lazy and predictable!

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Y’all are spending your weekend on this. I don’t work for Federalist, and when I did I was in disagreement with my coworkers sometimes. As illustrated by my tenure at CNN, that does not bother me, either way it goes. I talked about Walker this week on my podcast. For people who are sort of obsessed with me, you should stay a little more informed of my content and employment! I do almost always agree with Guy Benson. You’re right on that. He’s a very smart man. I do not apologize for it or any of this! Go try to find something fun to do, guys. Take care!

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Funny how you ignored Manafort giving campaign data to Russia! Honey no one listens to your podcast! Enjoy obscurity! And no one’s obsessed with you as much as you are obsessed with what people think of you!

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Oh honey yawn, don't you have 3 children and 1 on the way, shouldn't you be spending your precious weekend taking care of them instead of responding to this crap?? That lame excuse works both ways. You don't fool anyone, the fact that read this and respond, shows what we are saying is not only spot on but eats at you. You pick and choose what you tweet and write about, clearly you could tweet about crap that the Federalist writes but you CHOOSE not to. Guy Benson isn't smart, he's a shill just like you, and you know that. Life is short honey, it's sad that losing a husband early didn't wake you up to that and you didn't choose to be a better example for your children, they will see thru your BS, they always do! Have fun with that!

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Ham's comment screams "I AM INSECURE!" Notice how she neglected the Manafort revelation. Notice how she tries to shame other people for spending their weekend on this, when she herself is spending her weekend on this. Notice how she says "I don't work for Federalist" as if to ignore the fact that she DID work there, and please she never wrote an article talking about disagreeing with anyone at the Federalist. It is clear she is beholden to Ben Domenech and one has to wonder why? Notice how again she tries to shame people who disagree with her by saying they are "obsessed" and they need to be "more informed" as if to shrug off what they are saying. First off, she wishes people were obsessed with her cuz she clearly needs the attention, sadly it isn't really working out for her! Second, maybe the Ham should read the comments more closely because the verbs were all past tense with regard to her "work" at the Federalist; no one was saying you currently work there. And please, Guy Benson...smart? He sucks up to people like Ric Grenell and yes Ben Domenech and Mollie Hemingway. Clearly they are all scratching each other's backs! Finally, the lady doth protest too much. "I don't apologize for it or any of this!" Sounds like she is trying to convince herself of that fact because clearly it eats at her conscience! Karma climbs quick without a sound!

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Ha, yeah you talked about Walker on your podcast, your "hot take" was so brave, so brave. "I THINK I heard all this two years ago." Really?? Funny how you heard it but no one else, not even his son, not even Walker himself who called them lies. It's the typical right wing trope...."so what about that Hollywood Access tape, we all knew he was a sexist pig." Gimme a break! And your "podcast", it is beyond dreadful. The topics and viewpoints are the same ones you could glean from a right wing nut job's twitter timeline in 5 seconds, you just slather it with an hour's worth of your thick fatty snark. Your attitudes are so arrogant, narcissistic, and self-indulgent that you almost are a parody of yourselves. In fact, that is a podcast that might almost be worth listening to. "I see Herschel and all I want is for him to strap on his football uniform and bang me like dumbstruck cheerleader and send me home with a Planned Parenthood gift card!" Sadly you will keep thinking you are all that, but luckily life will inform you otherwise, as it already has my dear, but apparently you are so self-absorbed you don't wana listen. Have fun with that!

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Also you DID work for the Federalist so clearly you had ZERO problem working for a serial plagiarist and taking that mysteriously funded paycheck! And clearly there was a lot of glad-handing between you and the Federalist as there are infinite articles from their interns highlighting you and your work. Give us all an effing break! Your opinion was bought by Ben Domenech!

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Yeah it would be interesting to see Mary Kate or Guy Benson for that matter call out Ben Domenech for the daily barrage of anti-gay articles the Federalist interns spew out….but that will NEVER happen! Just like Mary Kate will never mention Herschel Walker, it’s probably in her Federalist blood pact!

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Why are you here if Mary Katharine is so "lazy and predictable?" If she were, there would be no interest in reading her opinions as they would be of no value.

Yet, here you are.....

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ok Mary Kate, whatever you say honey

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After all the negative remarks, here's a positive one! My music teacher from Elementary through HS, was..Mary Katherine Ham Duncan! She was one of the most beautiful women I ever knew. She was also choir director at our church. Her father was a preacher, and baptized Billy Graham. She always called him "HAM"! You look enough like her, to make me wonder, if you're related! This family was in Bowling Green, KY (Home of Corvette"! Danna Stevens

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Yet you praise the serial adulterer , porn star fucker ? You helped build that

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Exactly. She bought it all.

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Kind of goes on and on, doesn't she? I get it. She was wronged, and now she wants to do some self-righteous venting. Problem is, I don't think better of her for having flogged the point is such tiresome length.

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Oh girl, you wrote crap for The Federalist, a site started by a serial plagiarist. You had no idea who was funding your paychecks. Clearly your standards are not that high! You don’t fool anyone but yourself!

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Serial plagiarist? You mean Joe Biden? Go play with your little toy, Jeffy.

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No Ben Domenech, he has had to quit multiple jobs due to plagiarism. Educate yourself, you dumb bunny!

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Domenech isn’t the PRESIDENT OF THE US, ya dumb sh!t.

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Wait so you found out in July and it’s….October. Also you have a mASSive ego, humility and compassion are not your strong suits, you lean into being smart ass, when you are not as smart or clever as you think. Check yourself cuz your children sure will. Good luck with that!

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Since we have not heard about any instance in which she exposed her private parts to colleagues while on a work call, whatever her humility and compassion failings may be, it seems clear that you do not have the moral high ground in this debate.

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Ummm she wrote for The Federalist, a site started by a serial plagiarist. She had no idea who was funding her paychecks. It’s a site with ZERO contrarian views, where interns, like Mary Kate, get paid a measly sum to write clickbait ad nauseam. She clearly will sell any principles she has for a few bucks. She’s utter garbage!

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Ummm - The irony of you, of all people, asserting ANYONE is "utter garbage" is immeasurable.

Also ironic: a criticism of The Federalist from someone who can't stay employed by an alleged news entity with a record of far less factual accuracy than that online magazine.

Your deserved reputation is as abysmal as your aptitude with the law. Replying to MKH's article wasn't prudent; but then again, the public is not unfamiliar with your lack of good judgement.

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Ummm the fact that you believe this is actually Jeffrey Toobin shows the level of your intellectual capacity, which is more than likely in negative territory, which is exactly the kind of fan Mary Kate attracts! Match made in glorious ironic hell!

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I don't know who's more creepy: the real Toobin or someone actually wanting to impersonate him!

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oh honey, give me your address so i can send you some pearls to clutch. it's the internet, everyone is impersonating someone. Mary Kate is impersonating a sensible human being and failing, just like you!

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And yet that "utter garbage" somehow still knew enough to not engage in sexual conduct during a work call.

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You sure about that?? She just didn't get caught, but she did get caught pandering to a serial plagiarist and selling her principles for a measly paycheck. She can openly mock Toobin but you know who she won't talk about...Herschel Walker for one. She's a self-centered hypocrite!

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Serial plagiarist? What an absolute lie. Speaking of garbage….I can smell you from here, Jeffy.

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Man, you love repetition! Again Ben Domenech, the founder of the Federalist, that Mary Kate has written for, has been fired multiple times for plagiarism. Sorry the facts don't line up with your feelings, you dumb bunny!


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That is a lot of words to type with one hand. Nice work, Jeff.

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I wasn’t using my hand to type though

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Oct 7, 2022
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Mary Kate’s tears

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Oct 7, 2022
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And I was fantasizing about Mary Kate…getting fired!

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